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Classification of trucks

Trucks are classified according to the maximum loaded weight of the truck. A number called gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) is set by the auto maker. This decides the total weight that could be carried by the trucks. As per the GVWR, trucks are classified as light duty, medium duty and heavy duty trucks. One

Our body and sleep

Everyone likes to get some sleep after a long day’s work. Sleep is a highly organized series of events following a regular program every time. We may think that our organs too rest while we rest, but this is actually not true. None of the regulatory systems shut down during sleep. Also good sleep gives

Recycling materials- Advantages behind

Recycling is the process of making new things out of old, discarded things. By recycling things that are recyclable, our environment is kept clean and green. There are many items that can be recycled and such items have a three arrow symbol on them.    Different materials require different techniques for recycling. Some of the

Disinfection processes of water-Basic steps

There are pathogens everywhere. These disease causing germs have commanded the attention of water treatment plants to ensure supply of water that is safe to drink.  Water could be disinfected in many ways. Normally these processes involve few common steps like pretreatment oxidation, primary disinfection and secondary disinfection processes. Pretreatment oxidation involves addition of oxidants

Basics about liquid crystals

Any material present around us exists in one of the three well-known phases – solid, liquid or gas. Apart from them, there are some other substances that tend to have the nature of both solid and liquid. Such substances are called liquid crystals. In solids, the molecules remain closely packed in fixed position and orientation.