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Heavy water- Structure and application

We know that water (H2O) contains two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. Heavy water, on the other hand, is water in which both hydrogen atoms have been replaced with deuterium. Its chemical formula is D2O and is present naturally in water, but in only small amounts approximately one water molecule per twenty million water

Medicinal plants and herbs

Plants are definitely major contributors in preventing illness and maintaining a healthy body. They are the sources of vitamins and minerals essential to the proper functioning and well-being of the body. Be it olden days or modern days, people have learned to heal themselves with plants too.    There are lots of medicinal plants that

Remote controls- Different types

TVs, DVDs players, stereos, ACs – all these components are operated using remote controls from a distance. These remote control devices utilize low frequency light that are invisible to our eyes to send out signals. The device has got an internal circuit with a processor and a light emitting device. Based on the function that

Woods used in making furniture

Wood works and furniture are important attractions of a house. The renewability and versatility of wood is the reason for its wide use in the world of furniture. There are many varieties  that come in different shades of color to suit the ambience. Woods have certain characteristics like hardness, grains and color. Structural, mechanical and

Different types of asexual reproduction

Reproduction is the production of next generation of individuals of the same species. There are two types of reproduction – asexual and sexual reproduction. While sexual reproduction involves two parents, asexual reproduction involves only one parent that reproduces an offspring. The offspring is 100% genetically similar to the parent as only one parent is involved.