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Yeast: Let’s have a closer look

Yeast finds a lot of applications in the food industry and is an important ingredient of bread, pizzas and alcoholic beverages like wine, beer etc. They cause the bread to rise and juices to ferment. Currently research is also happening on the how to transform plants into bio fuels under the action of yeast. Yeasts

Basics about fingerprints

Fingerprints are very unique in nature and permanent from birth to death. Even identical twins would not have the same fingerprints.Fingerprints form while the baby is in the womb. They  do not change with our physical growth or age.   Fingerprints are ridges formed on the fingers. They could be of three types depending on

Amnesia- Basics ought to be known

Amnesia is a temporary medical condition in which a person cannot remember information stored in the brain. It could be a partial or complete ‘loss of memory’. This disturbance happens to the information stored in the long term memory. Person with amnesia cannot remember happenings in the past but can remember recent past or vice

Polydactyl- Having an extra finger on hands or toes

Polydactyl is a condition in which a person has more than 5 fingers on a single hand or more than 5 toes on a single foot. This could happen to humans or even cats and dogs. The extra finger could be a soft tissue without any bones within and can be removed. Only in a

Sun tan- Basics ought to be known

Our sun is the huge source of heat and light without which our earth would not be a habitable planet. One must spend get exposed to sun moderately in order to allow our body produce vitamin D. But too much exposure to sun has negative effects on our body. Our skin and sun are associated