
The art of creating an impression

Creating an everlasting impression on those who come across us determines the level of success in life. This is applicable for all, irrespective of the gender, age, qualifications and nationality. It is possible to create a first impression through our dressing and the way we carry ourselves. However, those who really inspire or motivate us

Essential habits for success in life

How one’s belief lead to one’s destiny has been beautifully described by Mahatma Gandhi in a few sentences. “Your beliefs become your thoughts,  Your thoughts become your words,  Your words become your actions,  Your actions become your habits,  Your habits become your values,  Your values become your destiny.” The above sentences prove beyond doubt that

Hard work: The easiest way to success.

Success is never an accident. It is always the result of determination, proper planning and hard work.  Imagine that you come across a pot of gold coins buried in the ground and that whoever acquires the pot can enjoy the fortune forever.  How will you react? You surely will start digging before anybody else comes

Time: The best investment you can ever make.

You may not agree with me when I say that time spent is the best investment. Have you ever thought that you are becoming old by every second?  Yes, it is a fact!!!!!  We are slaves of the time. Time cuts down all, great or small, rich or poor, leader or follower. Time enjoyed is

Faith: The ignition for the journey to success.

You are now ready for the grand take off to success propelled by your ambition. You have enough determination and sufficient stock of resources. You have also decided to traverse the success path in a disciplined manner. Then why is the delay for takeoff?  Why the hesitation?   Each engine requires ignition to start working.