
Cyberattack: Techniques, Consequences and Prevention

Awareness on various forms of cyberattacks, techniques adopted and prevention is essential for survival in the present era, in which data has become the most valuable asset. Any illegal attempt or access of data, unauthorized modification or copying of data  or disruption of services or damages to information systems comes under cyberattack.  Refer Cyberattack: Definition,

Cyberattack: Definition, Motives and Categorisation

Cyberattack is a byproduct of information technology boom.  We are leaving in an era in which most valuable assets are data and information.  Cyberattack in broad view is any illegal attempt to possess or control data in the custody of another person with varied intentions, the main among them being monitory gain and tarnishing image

Phishing: Basics Ought To Be Known

Phishing is a way of fraudulently acquiring vital information such as usernames, passwords and details of credit debit card, by sending e-mails or over phone by creating an impression that it is from regulators, authentic organizations or individuals.  How is phishing carried out? Phishing is usually carried out through hoax emails (with fake sender addresses),

Pleasure of reading and importance of books

To study, play or dance, we  need energy. Our body  receive the energy from the food we take. Similarly, to imagine, dream and innovate, our mind also needs energy. The energy for our mind is received from the information we gather. The best way to provide energy to our mind is by reading books and that