
International Classification of Diseases (ICD) 

The International Classification of Diseases (ICD) is an international standard health tool for identification of diseases and health management. The full official name of ICD is International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems.  What is the importance of International Classification of Diseases (ICD)?  The International Classification of Diseases is maintained by World Health

Healthy and Wealthy Heart

When we chase our dreams, we often forget the organ that makes our chase possible. We ignore  our heart, the motor that work non-stop, supplying nutrients and oxygen to other organs to keep the entire body in action. We are keen to carry out the periodical maintenance works for our replaceable motor vehicles, but conveniently

Alcohol and the ill effects.

Alcohol is a recreational drug consumed by man. It causes a lot of ill-effects on the body and the effects vary from person to person. Alcohol consumption causes various physical and chemical changes to the body depending on the amount consumed.   Pure alcohol is nothing but ethanol (ethyl alcohol) with the chemical formula C2H5OH.