
Zoonosis and Nipah outbreak  

Zoonosis is any disease transmitted from vertebrate animals to humans. This definition is given by World Health Organisation (WHO). Zoonosis is an infectious disease and can be caused by a virus, bacteria, fungi or parasite.  The disease  is naturally transmitted between vertebrates and humans.  Bird flu, ebola, anthrax, dengue,  swine flu and rabies are examples

International Classification of Diseases (ICD) 

The International Classification of Diseases (ICD) is an international standard health tool for identification of diseases and health management. The full official name of ICD is International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems.  What is the importance of International Classification of Diseases (ICD)?  The International Classification of Diseases is maintained by World Health

Healthy and Wealthy Heart

When we chase our dreams, we often forget the organ that makes our chase possible. We ignore  our heart, the motor that work non-stop, supplying nutrients and oxygen to other organs to keep the entire body in action. We are keen to carry out the periodical maintenance works for our replaceable motor vehicles, but conveniently

Fever is not a disease: Know the beneficial effects

Medical professionals have always been debating a question – is fever a friend or foe? One satisfying answer could be that fever is not a disease but a valuable and revealing symptom. A condition with elevated body temperature is called fever. The body starts generating heat faster than losing it. Fever is one of the