
Diabetes: General Facts You Ought To Know

Diabetes mellitus (DM), popularly known as diabetes, is a condition in which blood glucose levels remain above normal over a prolonged period. It is an abnormality of glucose metabolism. If unattended, diabetes affects blood pressure and cholesterol levels and leads to major complications like heart failure, stroke, kidney failure, damage to eyes and failure of

Different types of blood vessels in the human body

Blood takes a very long trip inside the human body. The blood vessels accomplish this task of carrying blood to all the organs of the body from and back to the blood pumping station or the heart. The study of blood vessels is called angiology. The heart, the blood vessels and the blood together are

Our body and sleep

Everyone likes to get some sleep after a long day’s work. Sleep is a highly organized series of events following a regular program every time. We may think that our organs too rest while we rest, but this is actually not true. None of the regulatory systems shut down during sleep. Also good sleep gives

Carbonated drinks and our body

Carbonated drinks are very common in all parts of the world. Sodas have become a part of the diet especially among the younger generation. Regular intake of this refreshing beverage doesn’t prove to be very “healthy”.   The main ingredients of  carbonated drinks are carbonated water, sugar and acids like citric acid or phosphoric acid or

Types of muscles in body : Basics ought to be known

There are about 650 muscles in our body and all the muscles contract and stretch to do different tasks. Without the help of muscles our body cannot perform basic activities like walking, blinking, smiling, digesting food, pumping blood etc. 40% of our body weight accounts for muscles. There are three types of muscles – the