Poison,venom and death

Venoms and poison are substances that are very harmful. The only difference between them lies in how they enter an organism. Venom is a more specific term referring to substances produced by tissues of an organism. It needs an apparatus to get injected. For instance, venomous snakes like viper produce venom in glands in its

Carbonated drinks and our body

Carbonated drinks are very common in all parts of the world. Sodas have become a part of the diet especially among the younger generation. Regular intake of this refreshing beverage doesn’t prove to be very “healthy”.   The main ingredients of  carbonated drinks are carbonated water, sugar and acids like citric acid or phosphoric acid or

Learn the working of RO plants

RO plants play a major role in converting any kind of water into potable water. Today water purification in every household is done using RO systems. Although boiling kills all the germs present in water, it cannot remove the particle impurities or the salt content of water. Hence, RO systems are used widely for removing

Always be kind, and it will come back to you

Mother was always warning Preeta that she should show more kind to others. Preeta was always mean to others and animals. She wouldn’t share her toys and she wouldn’t even play with some of the other children because they had ugly looking clothes. When it came to animals, she would hold them by their tails and

Breath analyzer: How does it function?

Breath analyzers are used by the traffic policemen in order to find out if the driver of the vehicle has consumed alcohol. This test is done on the spot to find out the blood alcohol concentration (BAC).   When alcohol is consumed, it enters the blood stream of the body. As the blood enters the