Grasses and plants: A comparison.

Grasses cover about one-third of the world’s land area. They look quite different from other plants with their round, hollow stems with or without solid joints called nodes. Though not so obvious, grasses do have flowers. During the appropriate time of year, grasses bear lots of small flowers. They grow better than trees in many

Litmus paper: The production process

You may have worked in your chemistry lab with litmus papers as acid-base indicators. They are normally used in experiments that determine the nature of a chemical substance whether acidic or basic. An acidic solution turns blue litmus red and a basic solution turns red litmus blue.   Litmus is a dye obtained from plant-like

Flying squirrels

Flying squirrels are found in Europe, North America and parts of Southeast Asia although the sight of one is quite rare. There are about 44 different species of flying squirrels. They range in size and color depending on the species of flying squirrel. While squirrels are active during the day, the flying squirrels are nocturnal.

Filter feeding

Filter feeding is the process of procuring food in which food particles or small organisms are randomly filtered from water. A filter feeder is an animal that uses the process of filtering water to take in particles that have nutritional value. All aquatic organisms are considered filter feeders. It is a method in which animals

Basics about primary and secondary headaches

  Headache annoys everyone experiencing it. It is a kind of pain experienced in the regions of head or neck. The pain is sensed by the nerves and muscles of the head and neck. It could be of two types – primary headache or secondary headache depending on their cause. Primary headaches are mainly due