
Hormones that decide your happiness

Hormone, Endorphins, Dopamine, Serotonin, Oxytocin. happiness, satisfaction, Exercise, accomplishments, charity, good company, motivation, closeness, tasks

Hormones are powerful organic substances secreted by plants and animals through biochemical processes. They play crucial roles in the regulation of physiological activities. In human beings, hormones are released by endocrine glands. Some of the hormones have roles in creating feelings of happiness and satisfaction. The four hormones that play these crucial roles are Endorphins, Dopamine, Serotonin and Oxytocin. Better understanding of these hormones will enable us to have a more satisfied and contented life.  

Endorphins- Hormones released during exercise

Endorphins are hormones released during physical activities. The word Endorphin consists of two parts coming from the words endogenous (endo) and morphine (orphine) respectively. It is morphine like substance produced by the body that triggers a positive feeling. However, activation of Endorphins does not lead to addiction.  The feeling described as ‘euphoric’ or ‘runners high’ after a run or work out is the creation of Endorphins. Laughter also generates endorphins. Spending 45 minutes every day on exercise and reading funny articles or watching humorous shows are sufficient for daily dose of Endorphins.       

Better self-esteem is a key advantage of regular exercise. They also reduce stress, eradicate depression and anxiety and improve sleep. They also lessen perception of pain. 

Dopamine- Hormone that motivates 

When our tasks and achievements are acknowledged and appreciated, we feel good. This accomplished feeling is created because of the release of Dopamine. Activities like acquiring a house, car, or mobile phone causes release of Dopamine. It plays a major role in reward-motivated behavior. Earlier, it was seen as hormone of pleasure. But recent studies reveal that Dopamine signals the value of a given appreciation. It causes motivating actions required for attaining satisfaction. So when you are served a good meal, remember to acknowledge the taste to make your mother or wife happy. 

Dysfunction of the dopamine system can lead to several diseases, main among them being Parkinson’s disease, schizophrenia and addiction.

Serotonin- Hormone generated from charity. 

Guiding a person, teaching a student or gifting often leads to satisfaction and happiness. This is the work of Serotonin also known as feel-good hormone. The hormone is released when we focus on activities beneficial for others. Activities like giving back to nature or society or clearing the doubts of children lead to release of Serotonin.  The care for others and our willingness to spend time for other leads to our own happiness. Always be generous in charity, however small it is. It contributes to our own wellbeing and inner satisfaction.

Oxytocin – Hormone of closeness

When we are in the company of close friends, we feel elated. Oxytocin is released when we are in the company of other human being. A warm hug by a friend or a member of family is sufficient to induce Oxytocin. Friendly shake hands too can lead to such a situation. A kid who is crying when hugged, suddenly stops crying. That is the power of Oxytocin. 

To remain happy and satisfied, we need to generate the four hormones. Exercise every day to get Endorphins, perform small tasks to generate Dopamine, indulge in charities to get sufficient dose of Serotonin and be in the company of good friends to have Oxytocin. Cumulative result of small actions leads to more confidence, better energy, optimism satisfaction and happiness. 

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