All That Matters

Cyberattack: Definition, Motives and Categorisation

Cyberattack is a byproduct of information technology boom.  We are leaving in an era in which most valuable assets are data and information.  Cyberattack in broad view is any illegal attempt to possess or control data in the custody of another person with varied intentions, the main among them being monitory gain and tarnishing image

3D Printing: Basics you wanted to know

3D printing has become a magical reality across the world in a short span of time. The acceptance of 3D printing has prompted many observers to describe it the next Industrial revolution. The technology was invented in the 1980s. But the exorbitant costs prevented its popularity.  After the expiry of patent, many companies ventured into

Saraswaty Supercluster- Supercluster Discovered by Indian Scientists

Saraswaty Supercluster discovered recently, is the first discovery of a super cluster by a team consisting only Indian scientists and researchers.  What are galaxy clusters? A Galaxy consists of stars, dust, hot gases and dark matter which are held together by the gravitational force towards the centre. In many cases the cetre is considered to be

Digital Currency: Positive and Negative Features

Digital currency, Crypto currency, Bitcoin and Blockchain are certain  terms that have often been appearing in the front pages of newspapers across the world.  The recent ransomware attacks, WannaCry and Petya, have made these terms more familiar.  What is a digital currency? Digital currency can be described as a digital representation of value of an

Indian Presidential Election and Electoral College 

India is the largest democratic republic in the world. The Head of State of the country is the President. Apart from that he holds the position of Commander-in chief of the Indian armed forces.   What is the process of Presidential election in India? In India, direct elections are held  to select members of  Legislative