All That Matters

Pleasure of reading and importance of books

To study, play or dance, we  need energy. Our body  receive the energy from the food we take. Similarly, to imagine, dream and innovate, our mind also needs energy. The energy for our mind is received from the information we gather. The best way to provide energy to our mind is by reading books and that

Black Box and its Importance

What   is the definition of a Black Box? In science and engineering, a Black Box is a device, system or object which can be viewed in terms of its input, output and transfer characteristics without any knowledge of its internal workings. The name black box (opaq) comes from its feature that internal working is not transparent. Almost anything like

World Environment Day,June 5 – Points you must know !!

World Environment Day World Environment day is celebrated on June 5 every year to create awareness for protection of environment and an everlasting impact on the planet.  More than 100 countries actively celebrate the day. History of World Environment Day World Environment Day ('WED') is celebrated every year to raise global awareness to take positive

Mount Everest; clean up the mess mission

Even at the top of the world, litterbugs can be found and now the government of Nepal is forcing the climbers to clean up the mess they tend to leave behind along the trail to Mount Everest. That’s a shame! Climbers are being asked to each take down at least eighteen pounds of garbage on their

Boys too should cry – All That Matters

It  has always been thought  that girls are the ones with more  emotions and feelings. In many countries, a boy is called a “sissy” or is often bullied if he displays attitudes and emotions associated with being a girl. For instance,  a boy will be ridiculed and mocked if he even considers crying. If he