All That Matters

Different types of clouds

Clouds are a result of condensation process. All clouds are not the same. Clouds continuously change as they drift across the sky. It is interesting to note that every type of cloud has got a descriptive name. The credit goes to a London Pharmacist Luke Howard who introduced the names of three basic groups. Various

Waves- Different forms

Waves are travelling disturbances that transfer energy from one place to another. They do not transfer matter. The amplitude of a wave determines its energy. Higher the amplitude, higher is its energy. Sound, light etc are all different kind of waves. They can be classified in different ways based on their characteristics. One such classification is

Activities controlled by left and right part of the brain

We have learned that our brain controls all our activities with the help of neurons. This brain is a more complex organ which has got two parts – the left and the right hemisphere. Both the parts communicate to each other through what is called corpus collosum. It is a thick band of nerves that

Dead Sea: Difference from other water bodies

The Dead Sea is a lake bordering Jordan to the east, Palestine and Israel to the west. It is very much different from other water bodies on earth because of its hyper salinity. It means the lake is very much salty compared to all other seas. The salinity level is between 28 to 35% in

Safety glass:Different forms

Glass is made by fusing silica together with sodium carbonate and calcium oxide at high temperatures. Normal glass or annealed glass tends to break into large pieces. This glass is used to produce more advanced glasses called safety glass. Very strong annealed glass is capable of releasing huge amounts of energy while breaking. This may