
Body fat- Basic points you ought to know

Fat regulates a great deal of functions inside a human body. Body fat is a kind of backup energy source that our body uses when it does not get an essential supply of carbohydrates. Body fat stores excess calories in a safe way so it could be mobilized when you starve. It protects the body by giving us energy to do work, maintaining proper body temperature, absorbing fat soluble vitamins like vitamin A, D, E and K. Fat tissues around the important internal organs act like a protective cushion absorbing any shock from any sudden impact or trauma. Olive oil, eggs, nuts and fish are some of the major sources of healthy fat.

Fat cells start to form during the last few months of fetal development inside the mother’s womb. Fat tissue is also called as adipose tissue which is made of fat cells. It normally gets stored in several parts of the body. It is found underneath the skin, in the liver, top of the kidneys and many other places. In men, fat normally deposits in the abdomen, chest, and buttocks and in women in the breasts, hips, waist and buttocks. The fat location is thus determined by the sex hormones. Fat under the skin is called subcutaneous fat that acts as thermal insulator. Visceral fat is the fat embedded deep within the abdomen and between organs

Fat cells normally stop generating more cells when a child matures into an adult (puberty stage). After that, the cells only tend to expand while the number of the cells remains the same. There are two types of body fats – white fat and brown fat. White fat takes care of energy production, temperature regulation in adults. When we are born, there aren’t much white fat. Brown fat is what helps infants regulate their body temperature. Adults have very little or no brown fat at all. Hibernating animals have more brown fat than humans.


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