
Blood type

blood type

Have you ever wondered how differently our bodies function? What makes one person like oranges and another, not so much? That even our blood types are different? What makes us eat certain kinds of food, and ignore others? How come when one person diets using fruits and vegetables they lose weight, but when others do, nothing happens? I have always wondered about that, and then I discovered a possible answer.

Even though we were all made by the same creator, he has made us so diverse that life could never get dull and boring. Imagine what a world it would be if we all only ate carrots and green peas? Or what if we all only ate meat? There would perhaps be no animals left here on earth.

Another more scientific reason lays in the fact that we each posses one of four blood types: A, O, B, or AB. Type AB is the rarest of them all, while type O is the most common. These different blood types determine what our bodies can best digest at any given time. 

If you are a type O, then you had best maintain a diet rich in high protein to balance your highly acidic stomach (lean meat, poultry, fish and vegetables and light on grains, beans and dairy).

Type A blood type will need to be satisfied with a meat free diet of fruit and vegetables, legumes and whole grain. Yes, I know, it sounds like a boring diet, but it is what is best for you.

Type B should avoid corn, wheat, lentils, tomatoes, peanuts and chicken. That’s right! I said chicken. Eat green vegetables, egg, certain meats and low fat dairy.

Finally, for type AB, it would be best to eat tofu, seafood, dairy and green vegetables and to avoid alcohol, caffeine and cured meats. These are by no means the complete list, but these foods give us an idea of the types of food that are best in each group.

Everyone is free to eat what they want to and to diet as they choose, but just remember that it will not be as effective unless you play by the rules; your body will not function at its best unless it gets the right fuel it needs. I know of someone who has a type O blood (which has most of the foods we like to eat and also most the type most of us will have), and she decided to go on a meat free diet. Now remember that type Os process meat better because of the high levels of acid in the stomach. Do you know what happened to her when she tried that diet? She almost developed acid reflux disease because with no meat to process, the levels of acid in her stomach ran too high. She had to quit that diet and go back to eating meat.



So it is for all the other blood types. There is a chemical reaction to the food we eat and our blood types. It would be wise to check what your type is, so that you can feed your body right, at all times.

Any way, what did you eat today?

By  Kerry Ann Stewart


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