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Faith: The ignition for the journey to success.

You are now ready for the grand take off to success propelled by your ambition. You have enough determination and sufficient stock of resources. You have also decided to traverse the success path in a disciplined manner. Then why is the delay for takeoff?  Why the hesitation?   Each engine requires ignition to start working.

5 Great ideas: The Industrial Revolution and afterwards

The Industrial Revolution started by around 1733 in England. With more new inventions, factories followed. The first beneficiary was cotton mills. Industrial revolution soon spread to other countries and it transformed the society rapidly. Emergence of factories, electricity and railroads led to better utlisation of resources causing effective production of goods. We have already seen

Ambition: The driving force that leads to success

What is meant by  ambition? Ambition is the goal we set to achieve in a certain period.  Becoming a doctor, businessman, leader, sportsperson etc   are all different forms of ambitions. It is an aim we set for ourselves for achievement.  Fulfillment of an ambition is the purpose of our life and becomes the reason for

5 great ideas that emerged around the period of Renaissance

The meaning of the word renaissance is rebirth. By the middle of 14th century, a new cultural movement emphasizing the dignity of human race emerged resulting in the rebirth of education, science, art, literature and a better life for the people. The renaissance started in Italy in 1350 and in the rest of the Europe

9 benefits of a planned life

We have seen that planning is essential even while undertaking a journey. Then how can we ignore the importance of a planned life? The aim of planning is making things happen.  Success will never find out you unless you have a great desire to succeed and try to attract success to you. Planning is simply