Monthly Archive:: July 2014

5 Great ideas:Inventions and discoveries of great impact

The inventions and discoveries around the beginning of the 20th century include aircrafts, atomic energy, vaccination, relativity theory and so on. It was just a beginning. Let us examine other major inventions and discoveries of the period that influenced human life beyond imagination.   Penicillin: Changes the course of medicine. Penicillin was a discovery by

Time: The best investment you can ever make.

You may not agree with me when I say that time spent is the best investment. Have you ever thought that you are becoming old by every second?  Yes, it is a fact!!!!!  We are slaves of the time. Time cuts down all, great or small, rich or poor, leader or follower. Time enjoyed is

5 great ideas: Beginning of the 20th century.

Inventions and discoveries in the 20th century have caused substantial improvement in our way of living and thinking.   The industrial revolution changed the way of production of goods and influenced the life style of society. The 20th century witnessed technological advances and scientific discoveries that made life better, lengthy, easy and more enjoyable. Diesel engine :

Faith: The ignition for the journey to success.

You are now ready for the grand take off to success propelled by your ambition. You have enough determination and sufficient stock of resources. You have also decided to traverse the success path in a disciplined manner. Then why is the delay for takeoff?  Why the hesitation?   Each engine requires ignition to start working.

5 Great ideas: The Industrial Revolution and afterwards

The Industrial Revolution started by around 1733 in England. With more new inventions, factories followed. The first beneficiary was cotton mills. Industrial revolution soon spread to other countries and it transformed the society rapidly. Emergence of factories, electricity and railroads led to better utlisation of resources causing effective production of goods. We have already seen