
Intelligent and Clever Animals and Birds

There are many stories and cartoons in all languages depicting animals and birds as intelligent and clever characters. Fox is often portrayed as an intelligent animal. Among birds, crow occupies the position with   thirsty crow being the classic example for intelligence.  But scientists say ants, elephant, octopus, chimpanzees, dolphins, rats and pigs are more intelligent than foxes.  Among birds, dove comes ahead of crow. Of course, the ranking is relative based on various studies and researches. 

Ant- Intelligent farmer 

Ant, one of the smallest animals is the most intelligent among animals according to scientists. They do not have big brains. The ant society is highly complex and communication system among ants is highly fascinating. They form well planned colonies which are thousands of kilometers in length and contain different segments for farming, working, collecting and storing food. It is believed that ants started farming much ahead of human being. The farming conducted by ants is known as fungus farming in which they cultivate fungus in leaves.  Ants travel by following the pheromone produced by leader ant and each ant leaves a trail for the following ants. 

Elephant- Communication master among animals

Elephants are believed to create mental maps and remember locations of watering feeding holes that they visited years back. They have the biggest brain among animals. They use their ears and trunks to hear and listen. Emotions are communicated through bellows, roars and trumpet like sounds. They transmit sound over long distance through ground.  Elephant is one of the rare species of animals capable of identifying mirror image. They have unbelievable sense of arts and are capable of painting. 

Octopuses- Biggest brain among invertebrates

Octopuses are known to have the largest brain among invertebrates. Unlike many other animals, they use a specific part of their brain for visual identification. Octopuses have special skills in playing and solving problems. They have fairly good short term memory. 

Chimpanzee- Intelligent and the closest relative of humans

Chimpanzees, the closest living relative of humans use tools and use them to gather food. Their sophisticated hunting strategies employee leadership and discipline.  The rank conscious chimpanzee is capable of manipulation and deception. They understand human language and relational syntax. Chimpanzees do planning for future too. 

Dolphin- Intelligent communicator

Dolphins exhibit great communication skills and entertain through their playing skills. They wrap sponge pieces around their nose while searching for food and the wrap prevents abrasion. Dolphins are very friendly to humans. 

Rats- Clever survival master

Rats exhibit high intelligence compared to their small brain.  During scientific experiments, rats have surprised scientists by discovering loopholes and solving problems. They are one of the rare species which have survived many environmental challenges.  Their cunning survival skills have helped them emerge successful. They are capable of identifying bombs and expressing emotions. 

Pig- Clever socializer

Pigs enjoy social life by eating, sleeping and walking together just to enjoy company of others. They communicate among themselves through a series of different vocal noises. Mother pig calms young ones by singing. They defecate away from their living place. Pigs are good learners of past mistakes and avoid repletion. 

Sheep- Clever enough to identify emotions

Sheep have the ability of facial recognition, recognize individuals and remember them for years.  They are even capable of identifying emotions by following facial expressions. Sheep have reportedly shown problem solving skills. 

Pigeon- Intelligent bird with remarkable memory

Pigeons have shown ability to learn abstract mathematical rules. Other than humans only rhesus monkeys and pigeons are believed to have this remarkable memory.  Pigeons recognize hundreds of images.  They can be taught to repeat sequence of activities and differentiate between objects. This potential is uilised in pigeon racing competitions. In such races they are required to complete a race up to 1,500 km with the bird reaching home in the shortest time becoming the winner. 

Crow- Clever and crafty bird

Crows have the skill to adapt to tough circumstances in an easy manner. They solve complicated problems. The size of the brain of a crow is about the size of a human thumb. Compared to the body size of crow, the brain is big. Their intelligence is comparable to that of primates It is identified by researchers that crows identify and remember human faces. Different areas of brain forewarns whether a person is friendly or threatening. 

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