
How does a sphygmomanometer work?

Sphygmomanometers are used for measuring blood pressure. In our body, pumping blood to all parts of the body is the duty of heart.. The blood pressure measurement is done to check if the heart and the pipes which carry the blood are working fine.  Blood pressure monitor, blood pressure meter and blood pressure gauge are different names of sphygmomanometer.  

Manual and digital sphygmomanometers are in use.  In manual type, the equipment consists of an inflatable cuff and a mercury or mechanical manometer. It is used in conjunction with a stethoscope. Expertise of a practitioner is often required for using manual measurement.  Digital meters apply oscillometric detection.  Measurements are displayed electronically and digital equipment is easy for use. Reading can be taken without training. In manual mode, the pressure in the cuff is increased or decreased manually. But in majority of digital modes, they happen automatically. 

The normal reading of blood pressure is 120/80. These two numbers indicate what is called the systolic and diastolic pressure. The blood pressure reading is taken by first tying a cuff around the arms. This is to ensure that the cuff is wrapped around roughly at same level as the heart when the person is seated. Now, air is pumped inside the cuff so that it presses on the arm stopping the blood flow.  The practitioner listens the heart beat through the stethoscope. As the pressure on the cuff is slowly released, blood starts flowing again. A pounding sound is heard when blood flow starts in the artery. The first reading (120 mm Hg) is the measure of maximum output pressure of the heart and is called the systolic pressure. The other reading (80 mm Hg) that is taken finally is when blood flows normally or the pressure at which heart pumps when relaxed. This occurs when the cuff pressure is released further and at one point no sound is heard.  This is called diastolic pressure. . In the digital mode, inflation and release of air in the cuff and display of readings happen automatically. 

When the blood pressure readings are not quite close to the normal reading (120/80), it indicates either the heart is not working properly or that the arteries (carriers of blood) are not working properly due to blockage or that they have become thin. In any case, it puts more pressure on the heart to pump blood. Constant stress could also result in higher blood pressure which again results in malfunctioning of the heart resulting in fatal heart attacks.

Samuel Siegfried Karl Ritter von Basch invented the sphygmomanometer in 1881. A more user friendly version was introduced by Scipione Riva-Rocci in 1896. What are the causes for hypertension during treatment for blood pressure?


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