
How do animals adapt to the weather and food shortage in winter?

In some parts of the world unlike spring and summer, winter only provides animals with food scarcity and a very cold and frozen environment to live in. So, different animals adapt different techniques to survive the cold weather and food scarcity.

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Hibernation is one such adaptation technique. Bears hibernate for months together during winter meaning they sleep continuously all through the winter. This reduces the body’s temperature with a decrease in rate of heartbeat. Thus, the energy requirement of the animal becomes very little. This requirement is managed by the extra food they eat during fall before starting to hibernate. While bears can hibernate for months, bats and squirrels too can hibernate for a lesser period of time.


Some birds and animals migrate to get through the winter. Migration is travelling to another place where weather is warm and food is not scarce. Birds tend to migrate in flocks during fall. Some species of fish too migrate travelling to warmer water. Insects like butterflies and moths too migrate during fall and travel back during spring.


Few animals go for bodily changes and changes in their life style to survive winter. Polar bears grow thick fur coats with a layer of fat underneath for warmth. Some insects like rodents and squirrels change their lifestyle by sharing their living space with many others in order to conserve body heat.

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