
5 great ideas that emerged around the period of Renaissance

great idea, discovery,invention, printing press, microscope, Newton,

The meaning of the word renaissance is rebirth. By the middle of 14th century, a new cultural movement emphasizing the dignity of human race emerged resulting in the rebirth of education, science, art, literature and a better life for the people. The renaissance started in Italy in 1350 and in the rest of the Europe in 1450. It lasted until 1620.

We have seen the five ideas that changed the first phase of human life. Now, lets us explore the ideas that emerged  during and  around the period of renaissance.

Printing press:


Johannnes Gutenberg is credited with the invention of printing press that saved people from the practice of  writing books by hand. Initially, metal letters were arranged into a sentence and pieces of paper were pressed against the letters coated with ink. The print did not come out uniformly and that resulted in the invention of printing press in the year 1450.  The printing press made books cheaper and directly contributed for the spread of education and knowledge.

Sun is the centre of the universe – The theory that transformed the study of astronomy.:

The Polish astronomer, Copernicus muted the theory that the Sun is the centre of the universe and that the Earth rotates around the Sun. Still that time, the Earth was considered as the centre around which heavenly bodies revolved. Copernicus created the modern concept of astronomy. Creation of improved versions of telescope and the new studies by Galileo revealed more knowledge about astronomy and solar system.

Microscope-  Path breaking invention :

The conventional microscope was developed at the end of the 16th century that provided impetus to science particularly to Biology and medicine. Microscopes led to the discovery of microorganisms, study of the structure of cells and minute parts of plants, animals and fungi. Latest versions of microscopes are still used to diagnose illness.

Electricity and electric light bulb:

Electricity emerged as the result of a series of discoveries. The ancient Greek knew the method of producing electricity by rubbing amber. In 1660, Otto van Guericke developed a device to produce static electricity. The idea revealed by Benjamin Franklin  that electricity has negative and positive elements provided better insights. The invention of light bulb in 1879 by Thomas Edison, changed the world.

Great discoveries by Issac Newton :

The studies by Issac Newton, resulted in three great discoveries within a period of a year and half.

·        The three basic laws of motion.

·        Properties of light

·         Calculus, a new kind of maths.

These were in addition to the theory of universal gravitation suggested by him. He also laid the foundation for classical mechanics.  Issac Newton, without doubt, is one of the most influential scientists of all time.

By YesJay

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