Important components of a satellite

A satellite is an object that moves in a curved path around a planet. There are natural satellites like moon that orbits the earth and many other satellites that revolve around the other known planets. Apart from natural satellites, there are also man-made satellites which are launched in a desired orbit with the help of

Effects of physical activity on our body

Staying physically active is very much essential in order to lead a healthy life. Any sport, physical activity or exercise plays an important role in keeping ourselves fit. It is always interesting to think about what happens to our body while we exercise or sport.  Physical activity has lots of beneficial effects.   Blood flow

Proteins and their importance for living beings

Proteins are important for the growth and repair of the cells of our body. Without proteins, humans are susceptible to deadly diseases. Red meat, beans, soy products, poultry and dairy products are rich sources it.   Imagine proteins to be a long chain of beads. These beads are nothing but what are called amino acids.

Common salt: Different grades and production processes

Common salt in its natural form is found in the form of a mineral called rock salt or halite. Sea is the biggest supplier of common salt with a salinity of 3.5% (meaning about 35gms of salt per liter of water). Among the different kind of salts dissolved in the sea water, sodium chloride tops

Rating of plastics

Every day we use a lot of things made of plastic like water bottles, food containers etc. You might have also noticed a number at the bottom of water bottles or any other plastic container. Plastic manufactures follow a coding system and a number you see at the bottom of the product helps identify the