Think, Act And Win

Healthy and Wealthy Heart

When we chase our dreams, we often forget the organ that makes our chase possible. We ignore  our heart, the motor that work non-stop, supplying nutrients and oxygen to other organs to keep the entire body in action. We are keen to carry out the periodical maintenance works for our replaceable motor vehicles, but conveniently

Control Emotions; Control Pains

Emotion is a psychological state that is the result of three components; an experience, a physiological response and an expressive reaction. Experiences and our reactions to them constitute our life. Emotions are also termed feelings.  Anger, love, trust, joy, fear, grief and panic are some examples of emotions. An emotion is a specific and short

The art of creating an impression

Creating an everlasting impression on those who come across us determines the level of success in life. This is applicable for all, irrespective of the gender, age, qualifications and nationality. It is possible to create a first impression through our dressing and the way we carry ourselves. However, those who really inspire or motivate us

Essential habits for success in life

How one’s belief lead to one’s destiny has been beautifully described by Mahatma Gandhi in a few sentences. “Your beliefs become your thoughts,  Your thoughts become your words,  Your words become your actions,  Your actions become your habits,  Your habits become your values,  Your values become your destiny.” The above sentences prove beyond doubt that

25 Simple Email Etiquette, Often Ignored And Forgotten

Etiquette is defined as a prescribed or accepted code of conduct or social behavior. Etiquette has got its relevance in the age of Internet too. Email is one of the highly useful by-products of Internet. The speed, accuracy and cost effectiveness of emails have made it the most convenient and effective way of communication. People