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5 Great ideas of the first phase of human life

An idea is a  spark  of thought  or imagination  that  leads to an outcome. The power of an idea can change the course of life  and rewrite  history. All inventions and discoveries have their roots in an idea. The idea at that time might have sounded  absurd.  History has witnessed many  ideas and their manifestations

Life is a journey and planning is must for success

Life is a long journey: Life is a long journey with lot of twists and turns. Life is a series of small episodes. It is similar to a book with lot of chapters.  We cannot be the major character in all episodes or chapters. There is no magic recipe to get the best out of

Are you a success? Or do you want to be another person?

You are you.  You are a success.  Don’t try to become another person. Are you a success? If you are a success, why do you dream of becoming another  Messi, Sachin Tendulkar, Justine Bieber  or Shakira. They  have won fame by excelling in their  respective fields.  Hence, we want to be their substitutes or replicas. I

Love and appreciate your own company

Carmen had many dolls, and whenever anyone would walk by her house, she could be seen in the front yard, by herself, playing with her dolls. Some of the times she could be seen with one other girl, but most times, it was just Carmen. Her parents would take her to parties that she would

Disobedience often leads to dishonesty.

Leela loved to eat sweets. Whenever she went to any parties she would always head straight for the cookies, cakes and ice cream. Her mother always warned her that if she had too many sweets, they would make her stomach hurt plus rot her teeth. Leela never listened to mother, especially because she has never