25 Simple Email Etiquette, Often Ignored And Forgotten

Etiquette is defined as a prescribed or accepted code of conduct or social behavior. Etiquette has got its relevance in the age of Internet too. Email is one of the highly useful by-products of Internet. The speed, accuracy and cost effectiveness of emails have made it the most convenient and effective way of communication. People across the globe depend mostly on this media for communication. Hence it is necessary to follow Email etiquetee . Email etiquetee refers to a set of proper beahavior to be observed while communicating through email.


email etiquette 1

The purpose of any communication is to convey the message in a positive tone. Today, emails are considered to be an accepted and expected mode of communication in personal and professional life. Your email behavior or Email etiquetee has the potential to tarnish your personal and professional image. Hence the importance of email etiquette. Though the emails find their place in everybody’s life, even many professionals still fail to use emails appropriately. in fact many fail to follow proper Email etiquetee 

Here is a list that will enable you to better your email etiquette.  

1. All emails shall be responded to at the earliest. Every email should be acknowledged with a brief reply so that        the sender knows his email has captured attention. A detailed reply can be sent later, if time is dear.
2. Politeness shall be maintained in all communication
3. Ensure that the conversation thread is maintained 
4. Email attachments must carry logical names associated with the e-mail content 
5. If an email is addressed to several persons in the ‘To’ field, all are expected to respond. Those in the ‘CC’ field         need not respond unless they feel their response will bring better clarity.
6. Never ever use your official email for personal correspondence or receiving/sending out personal details 
7. Create a separate folder to move important mails for future reference or use ‘mark unread’ or similar flags.
8. Be concise and to the point
9. Do not write in all CAPITALS as it amounts to shouting.
10. Do not use multiple colors 
11. Avoid using abbreviations 
12. Do not forward chain letters 
13. Do not send e-mail messages using another person's e-mail account. 
14. Address the contact with the appropriate level of formality and make sure you have spelled the name correctly 
15. Use templates for frequently used responses 
16. Do not overuse the high priority option 
17. Do not use the chat mode, SMS language or short forms of any kind 
18. Read and re-read the email before you send. Ensure that internal communication  does not  reach                           unintended recipients as trail mail.  
19. Do not include any confidential information in an email message. 
20. Make sure that the email includes a courteous greeting and closing 
21. Recheck the address in the 'To' field before sending an e-mail 
22. Always end your
emails with ‘Thank you’, ‘Sincerely’ etc
23. Visit the Junk mail box frequently 
24. Regularly manage emails in your inbox to prevent the mailbox becoming full
25. All emails should suffix a formal signature block at the end of the email

Charles Edward


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